Digital Europe Programme

Digital technology and infrastructure is playing an increasingly important role in our personal lives and in the business environment. The Digital Europe Programme (hereafter DEP) is a new EU funding programme for the 2021-2027 budget cycle, whose main objective is to make digital technology available to businesses, citizens and public administrations, thus contributing to the achievement of the European Union’s key strategic goals, such as strengthening the Union’s economic and technological sovereignty and the green transition.

EU csillagok

To this end, the DEP supports the

  • developing and strengthening the EU’s digital capacities;
  • innovative digital solutions;
  • and strengthening the European data economy and security

through the following five focus areas (SO 1-5):

Work programmes

The main objectives, priorities and calls for proposals of the DEP are set out in two-year work programmes by the European Commission, which includes two separate programmes for the period 2023-2024.

Main work programme

It includes more than €900 M of funding over two years, focusing on key areas such as

  • climate and environmental technologies (e.g. digital product passports) that promote the circular economy;
  • the use and international sharing of data and the development of a common data library instrategic areas such as cultural heritage, tourism, energy, manufacturing, agriculture, law enforcement and healthcare;
  • accelerating the introduction of artificial intelligence and cloud technologies, especially by large companies and SMEs;
  • promoting advanced digital skills, e.g. by creating higher education courses in advanced digital technologies, in particular semiconductors and cybersecurity;
  • making best use of key technologies (e.g. blockchain, interoperable digital public service solutions);

In addition, the main work programme will also fund projects in the areas of digitisation of justice and consumer protection, making the internet a safer environment for children and young people, and combating disinformation.

Fő munkaprogram
Kiberbiztonsági munkaprogram

Cybersecurity work programme

which supports the EU’s resilience to cyber-attacks with a budget of around EUR 375 M and supports:

  • building the capacity of national and cross-border security operations centres to create a state-of-the-art threat detection and cyber security incident analysis ecosystem;
  • cross-border cybersecurity cooperation;
  • preparing industry, especially SMEs and start-ups, for new cybersecurity regulatory requirements (e.g. NIS2, Cyber Resilience Act)

Funds, links

The Digital Europe programme has a total budget of €7.6 billion for the 2021-2027 budget cycle. It is important that the programme does not address these challenges in isolation, but rather complements funding available through other EU programmes such as Horizon Europe (HE) research and innovation, the European Network Facility (CEF) for digital infrastructure, the Recovery and Resilience Instrument (RRF) and the Structural Funds, so it is worth considering the funding opportunities for project ideas in this context in a complex way.

It is important to note, however, that in order to ensure a broader distribution of resources and to increase the commitment of applicants, the EU does not grant 100% intensity, i.e. it does not fully fund DEP projects, except in a few specific cases. In general, the support provided by the programme is around 50%, while for SMEs the rate is usually 75%. As a result, own funding is also required to implement projects. The Hungarian Government regularly calls for applications for grants to provide this own funding, and information on these opportunities is available on our website and in our newsletter.

Digitális Európa program
Nemzeti Kapcsolati Pont

National Contact Point (NCP)

In summer 2023, the Commission set up a system of National Contact Points (NCPs) for the DEP, which has proved its worth in other programmes. To our great delight, the MFOI in Hungary won and is responsible for this task. In cooperation with the international network of NCPs, we are continuously expanding our activities in this area, so that we can offer as much help as possible to Hungarian applicants and applicants who are interested in applying, e.g. in the provision of information, networking, advice and coordination.

We are glad to assist you at:

Or please contact us at the DEP NCP general email address: or follow MFOI on our social media platforms.

Important links, contact details

Find out more about EU direct funds in general and the Digital Europe Programme in particular by clicking on the links below:

DEP newsletter

Keep up to date with the latest news and calls for proposals of the Digital Europe Programme!

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